Granite Haven Gotlands & Llama
Granite Haven Gotlands & Llama

Granite haven Gotland’s was conceptualized in 2008
The journey of the Gotland’s was realized in 2010 in the idealistic Strathbogie ranges with the first drop of Gotland lambs in 2010. We are in central Victoria 1 .5 hours from Melbourne.
Our focus was to realize the paddock to customer relationship. The sale of fleece, raw or dyed, rovings, top, and yarn no order too small. Cheryl dyes all the products at the farm.
The relationship of customer service and farm visits legitamizes that we are 100% Australian grown and processed. Totally traceable.
The Gotland fibre journey has extended our social circle introducing us to many talented people.
Our products may be purchased on line at and at farm on pre arranged visits
AFC Licenced Products
14/071 Raw Gotland Fleece
14/072 Dyed Gotland Fleece
14/073 Gotland Top
14/074 Wool Rovings
14/075 Rovings wool / Llama
14/076 Yarn processed
14/077 Handknitted products